I am truly in my element while crafting thoroughly researched and cleverly composed articles, white papers, technical writing, website copy, blog posts, brand journalism, brand content, scripts, slide decks and more. I am comfortable in a broad range of topics and some that fascinate me most include adaptation to climate change, sustainable cities and food systems, and environmental justice. Some of my writing and editing services are available in Spanish.
I specialize in meticulous and insightful developmental editing and line editing. My developmental editing explores the big picture usually early in your writing process to ensure the organization, flow, and voice, among other elements, most effectively communicate your intended message. My line editing is a sentence-by-sentence process that gets into the nitty gritty of aspects like word choice, syntax, and consistency. Sounds tedious but I love it so leave it to me!
Bay Nature. My Mediterranean Arachnid Houseguest: Getting to Know Zoropsis Spinimana.
So It Goes, issue number 10, journal of the Kurt Vonnegut Museum & Library. The Last Drop.
Global Environmental Change, Volume 21, Issue 1. Social identity, perception and motivation in adaptation to climate risk in the coffee sector of Chiapas, Mexico.
BBC Future. Coffee in crisis: The bitter end of our favourite drink?
Pacific Standard. Chiapas Coffee: Price, Politics and Precipitation.